Oh no, its Mr. Bill

Oh no, its Mr. Bill

Oh no, its Mr. Bill

Oh no, its Mr. Bill

Oh no, its Mr. Bill

Beware of the Penguin Bill

Beware: He Has you now (or plans to!!)

The Richest and Sleaziest Nerd on Earth


Read the guestbook
Sign the guestbook

Microsoft finally gets what it deserves and earned

Gates and Company Were ruled a Monopoly finally on Nov 5, 1999


      "Every single thing that Micro$oft says and does is designed
       to protect their monopoly"   -Alan Baratz, Sun Microsystems

Bill's Favorite Question (which I'm am so sick of hearing)

A: The Help Desk User Support Back to MS's Web site for HELP!!! (thats why there are so many hits) To get Windex To get Glass Plus To reinstall Windoze for the ump-tieth time

Bill & Co have dominance in this dept....BUGS!!

Bug Net What the evil empire doesnt want you to know!!!

I read this quote and placed it in my email trailer ever since

Greg's Anti-Microsoft Signature Collection has an old trailer of mine plus some other real good ones!!!!

=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==From the mind of George Lewycky-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
my own domain  http://georgenet.net   also http://idt.net/~lewycky
 Emails:  lewycky@idt.net (home)  |   lewycky@yahoo.com (work)
  for  images/large files:  please use  george_file@yahoo.com

"Every single thing that Micro$oft says and does is designed 
to protect their monopoly"   -Alan Baratz, Sun Microsystems

If he had to pay all the crash dummies for beta testing his products (oops i mean buying his products), I wonder what he would be worth

MS is a follower not a leader

Real Innovators                His attempt
Internet, Prodigy & AOL        MSN Network
Mosaic, Netsape & Lynx         Explorer
Visicalc, Lotus 123            Excel
Novell                         NT
CNN           	           MSNBC
A GUI interface  (Xerox &
   Apple)                      Windows (still under repair)
Dr-Dos,Unix                    MS-DOS
Real Player                    Windows Media Player

Oh and whatever he cant do he buys himself (or tries to)

Anti MS Sites

The long overdue Anti-Trust Case

The US Dept of Justice is undergoing the Antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.

The Antitrust Division has a fantastic site on the US v. Microsoft case

If you would like to send the Antitrust Division your comments on this case, please direct your correspondence to Microsoft.atr@usdoj.gov

More Sites Yahoo's Site

Many more is on this Yahoo site


Some good jokes I've collected