i just got this today.......... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 10:01:19 EDT From: DSSA310@aol.com To: kurtisf1@yahoo.com Cc: EKEK1@aol.com, Gita Alexander , nanny1 , BBrown6204@aol.com, "Peterson,Charles" , Palle Christensen , Lad230@aol.com, sfoster@uwlakeco.org, GGoranson@aol.com, Bo.Hedfors@motorola.com, cjohnson@samac.org, Kerstin Lane , Mormor7@aol.com, George R. Lewycky , jlind@northpark.edu, mjlind@gsb.uchicago.edu, per.lindberg@worldnet.att.net, TOREALINDGREN@cs.com, hmmorri@gte.net, b-nielsen@nwu.edu, LINIXON@aol.com, Otter43@aol.com, PDRIM@aol.com, JSwede@aol.com, Scott Samuelson , ASeab79469@aol.com, innowiz@wwa.com, fskager@corphqpo.hyatt.com, Catharina Stens , John Sullivan , atomlinson@bvmcom.com, DWeber@uwlakeco.org, Watsonrinc@aol.com, SACC-Chi@sacc-usa.org, westergren@freewwweb.com Subject: Karlstad Choirs in Concert at Cedar Village in Lake Villa on Wednesday at 7:00 In a message dated 08/01/2000 5:52:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, kurtisf1@yahoo.com writes: << Mr. Samuelson, I was given your name and contact information from Debbie Larsen, whom I had contacted about a concert that I thought was to be given by a Swedish group from Karlstad this week at North Park University. She informed me, however, that no such concert was to be held there or at the Swedish American Museum near the university and suggested I contact you about possible concert dates in the northern suburbs. Do you have such information? I am interested in anything that may be scheduled for either tomorrow afternoon/evening or Thursday. If you do have some information that you think might be helpful for me, please contact me either by replying to this e-mail or by giving me a call at (847) 375-7307 until 5 pm or at (847) 524-1861 anytime after that. I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks for your time, Kurtis Frank >> Frank: The male and female choirs from Karlstad will be giving a concert Wednesday night at Cedar Village at 7:00. That's 1/2 mile north of #132 on #83 in Lake Villa. You get there by going north on #94 to Great America and #132, then west 7 miles through Lindenhurst to #83 in Lake Villa. Then north 1/2 mile. Cedar Village is on the west side of the street. Very neat venue. Concert is free. The choirs will sing ABBA, Kristina and Swedish folk songs and church music. They are very, very good. They decided to come to the States even thought the international competition that was the original basis for the trip got cancelled. They've been in New York and Toronto. They'll be in Chicago Wednesday and Thursday, before leaving for Minneapolis on Friday. The Sister Cities people are trying to set something up for the Cultural Center on Thursday. But Wednesday night is confirmed. Come. Bring friends. Send the email as broadly as you can. Cedar Village can accommodate a large crowd. They will also be singing at Great America's entrance at 10:00 in the morning on Wednesday, and perhaps inside of the park and at Gurnee Mills during the day. Hope to see you at Cedar Village. Don Samuelson